Dr. Jeff Scholten and Dr. Tyler Evans visit with Dr. Ron Oberstein and explore the fascinating diagnostic imaging technology called Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT). They discuss the safety, amazing 3-D images, and the benefits CBCT brings to chiropractic.
Dr. Tyler Evans, Areté Chiropractic https://www.aretechiro.com/
Dr. Jeff Scholten, The Vital Posture Clinic https://www.vitalposture.com/
ICA Upper Cervical Council https://www.icauppercervical.com/
NUCCA https://nucca.org/
Blair Society https://www.blairtechnique.com/
Dr. Maxwell Kelly, Life West 2020 graduate, reflects on his current challenges and successes with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein. While at LW, he...
Dr. Sébastien Fuentes, practicing in Paris, France with his wife Elodie Nicolle, shares his chiropractic journey with Dr. Ron Oberstein. Starting out as a...
How do you balance a critical leadership role in the chiropractic profession with the demands of maintaining a thriving practice and raising a young...