Dr. Jeff Scholten and Dr. Tyler Evans visit with Dr. Ron Oberstein and explore the fascinating diagnostic imaging technology called Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT). They discuss the safety, amazing 3-D images, and the benefits CBCT brings to chiropractic.
Dr. Tyler Evans, Areté Chiropractic https://www.aretechiro.com/
Dr. Jeff Scholten, The Vital Posture Clinic https://www.vitalposture.com/
ICA Upper Cervical Council https://www.icauppercervical.com/
NUCCA https://nucca.org/
Blair Society https://www.blairtechnique.com/
Dr. Kaitlyn Shikata, a 2018 Life West graduate, currently practices in Reno, Nevada. In this interview, she reconnects with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein...
Dr. Barbara Eaton, a thought leader and world lecturer who resides in Alaska, shares how to strengthen one's personal connections, whether with practice members,...
Dr. Shawn Powers, with 40+ years in practice and 20+ years in mentorship and leadership in chiropractic, shares her chiropractic journey with Dr. Ron...