Drs. Sabrina and Justin Paquette practice without any employees, handling all aspects of their highly-successful practice. They share the challenges and rewards of this non-traditional business model with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein. Life West graduates from 2014, they have built a referral-based practice without relying on advertising or social media.
What is the most stressful part of being a chiropractor? Dr. Ryan Rieder discusses one of the biggest challenges many chiropractors face with Drs....
Dr. Jamie Richards, a chiropractor and entrepreneur based in Ontario, Canada, shares his chiropractic journey and how he developed Life by Design with Drs....
Dr. Brian Wilmovsky, an uber-successful chiropractor with three practices in Olympia, WA, shares his chiropractic journey with Dr. Ron Oberstein. He talks about putting...