Dr. Vivek Soham, a practicing chiropractor in San Diego, shares his chiropractic journey with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein. Fascinated with brain research, he completed a master's in neurophysiology at the same time as completing his doctor of chiropractic degree at Life West in 2019. He has built research protocols into his business model and also serves on the editorial board of the Upper Cervical Research Foundation.
Dr. Doug DiSiena, practicing over 40 years in Irvine, CA, gives hope to those he serves by optimizing their health and potentiality. He shares...
Dr. Jamie Richards, a chiropractor and entrepreneur based in Ontario, Canada, shares his chiropractic journey and how he developed Life by Design with Drs....
In this interview, Dr. Ron Oberstein speaks with Dr. Beth Zogg to explore a vast range of topics. Dr. Zogg is a practitioner, teacher...