Drs. Tim and Catherine Smith have practiced in Rocklin, CA since 2012, and share their experiences with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein. They moved to a new area without any local networks and built their very successful practice, and their family, from the ground up. Having a vision of what success looks like and intentionally working toward those goals is helping them live the life that they dream of.
Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein round out the past year’s Leadership Line / Life by Life West videocast series by reflecting on 2022 while...
Dr. Adam Harcourt, a 4th generation chiropractor and 2013 Life West graduate, currently practices in York, PA, with a focus on complex neurological disorders...
Dr. Jeremy Brook, founder of The Yoga of Chiropractic, and Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein explore the philosophy of chiropractic, how he uses yoga...