Dr. Dave Traster shares his chiropractic journey and his expertise in functional neurology with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein. Dr. Dave practices, consults, and lectures on how to help the brain and nervous system function better to increase health and well-being. They talk about a wide range of topics, from neurological research findings to how to build a successful practice.
In a deep and open conversation with Dr. Ron Oberstein, Dr. Aaron Morris shares how he ended up healing from a life-threatening state of...
Dr. Brian Wilmovsky, an uber-successful chiropractor with three practices in Olympia, WA, shares his chiropractic journey with Dr. Ron Oberstein. He talks about putting...
How do babies really benefit from chiropractic care? Join Dr. Justin Ohm, a pediatric chiropractor and the Executive Director of the ICPA, along with...