Dr. Jamie Richards, a chiropractor and entrepreneur based in Ontario, Canada, shares his chiropractic journey and how he developed Life by Design with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein. He talks about how he and his wife established an innovative health-centered business in his hometown that meets the requirements of our bodies to grow, carefully designed based on his vision of supporting people in their health journey.
How does an ambitious, self-proclaimed “perfectionist” stay ‘harmonistic’ while growing a family, a multi-office business and still live expansively? Join in as Drs. Ron...
Dr. Julie Mayer Hunt, an upper cervical practitioner in Clearwater, FL, is President of Orthospinology and on the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care,...
Dr. Angelo Colavita shares his life’s work with Dr. Ron Oberstein in this fascinating discussion about the role of the cranial cervical junction on...