Dr. Irum Tahir has a thriving pre and postnatal practice as well as a busy speaking career that has included a TED Talk. Listen in as she shares her chiropractic journey, as well as her work on overcoming limiting beliefs by tapping into the subconscious mind with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein.
on TED Talks: https://youtu.be/Fom14XGMFHA
On her practice: http://www.highpointsyracuse.com/
On her name: http://www.drirumtahir.com/
In this interview, Dr. Joe Taylor shares his chiropractic journey with Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein. He and his wife own Renewed Wellness in...
Betsy Butterick, a communications specialist and speaker, is a “coach’s coach” and huge fan of chiropractic. Watch as she talks with Dr. Mary Oberstein...
Dr. Peter Klein has run a dynamic practice for over 35 years in Lacey, WA, and shares a wealth of practice wisdom with Dr....